Peer-review represents an important step in the publication process. Acting as a filter for all manuscripts received, it manages to ensure the proceedings’ scholarly quality. Therefore we are very grateful for all Reviewers help in evaluating the manuscripts and providing expert opinions.
The best possible review should be developed taking into consideration the following:
- the paper submitted for review matches the reviewer’s expertise;
- sufficient time allocation for the review process in order to meet the deadline stated in the invitation to review;
- existing conflicts of interests of any kind and scale may influence the reviewing process, so the Reviewer should announce the organizers if such situation arises;
- not only the suggestions and comments should be confidential, but the manuscript itself should be kept as a privileged communication;
- the Reviewer is not allowed to send the comments made upon a paper directly to the author(s) of that paper.
The Reviewer’s comments should address the following:
The topic of the manuscript is relevant for the International Management Conference theme and topics.
The paper has a potential to contribute to the knowledge of Management Field.
The contribution in terms of novelty and originality should be addressed and highlighted. At the same time, the significance of the paper’s main claims should be emphasized; in this way the Reviewer can decide if the paper is outstanding for the field and for the readers.
Seminal works in the related literature are mentioned by this manuscript.
Reviewers should carefully follow the authors’ trial to include in their works relevant previous research. It is important that each work explain the context of the research and provide evidence of other related works with different findings.
The manuscript is of scholarly quality.
In determining the suitability for publication, this criterion is one of the most important as it reveals the scientific soundness of each work.
Written expression of the manuscript is fluent and appropriate.
The writing style of each article must be easy to follow and understandable not only for specialists but also for non-specialists; in the same time it should be concise, without grammatical or spelling errors.