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None of the below600 LEI / 120 Euro – Conference participant Regular - first paper300 LEI / 60 Euro – Conference participant Regular - second paper500 LEI / 100 Euro – Members of the Management Faculty from ASE Bucharest, SAMRO and PhD Students – first paper250 LEI / 50 Euro – Members of the Management Faculty from ASE Bucharest, SAMRO and PhD Students – second paper400 lei / 80 Euro – Accompanying person* (coauthor***, listener, family member)
Please select the participant category and fee (On-Site)*
None of the below850 LEI / 170 Euro – Conference participant Regular - first paper450 LEI / 90 Euro – Conference participant Regular - second paper700 LEI / 140 Euro – Members of the Management Faculty from ASE Bucharest, SAMRO and PhD Students – first paper400 LEI / 80 Euro – Members of the Management Faculty from ASE Bucharest, SAMRO and PhD Students – second paper700 lei / 140 Euro – Accompanying person* (coauthor***, listener, family member)
Guided tour of Bucharest (Cost: 10 Euro / 50 LEI)
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Bank transfer: LEI (the account of Societatea Academica de Management din Romania (SAMRO), fiscal code: 22605534, Romanian Commercial Bank, IBAN code: RO53RNCB0090115072410004, SWIFT code: RNCBROBU)Bank transfer: EURO (the account of Societatea Academica de Management din Romania (SAMRO), fiscal code: 22605534, Romanian Commercial Bank, IBAN code: RO15RNCB0090115072410009, SWIFT code: RNCBROBU)
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